Managing Fundraisers
Most community service organizations conduct fundraising drives that involve selling products to the public.
For Girl Scout troops this means selling those delicious cookies. Cub Scouts sell popcorn treats. Many groups sell pumpkins in October and Christmas trees in December.
OurGroupOnline provides comprehensive support for fundraising drives:
On-line sales are designed to be promoted by your members, who will receive sales credit for sales initiated at their Personal URL. For your troop to offer on-line sales, you must:
Booth Sales can be processed on an Internet connected tablet or smartphone and can accept credit and debit card payments in addition to cash and checks.
Please note that, while the default security configuration allows all members to enter their orders into the system, you must have the Fundraising user role to create and manage a fundraising drive.
We'll show you how to assign the Fundraising role to your leaders on the next page of this chapter.
Authorize Users
The default security will allow all users to enter their own orders, choose a sales goal, and see their Personal URL for selling on-line.
To create and manage a fundraising drive, you must be authorized for the Fundraising user role. Select User Roles from the Administration menu to assign this role to specific users.
Click the Update button to give users the Fundraising role.
Click on the checkbox next to each user to whom you wish to give this role.
Then click the Save & Exit button to save these changes.
If you want to give users some, but not all, of the fundraising management capabilities, you can customize your user roles or create new user roles that incorporate any of the following tasks:
Task | Capabilities |
Enter Fundraiser Sales From Booth | Use the Booth Sales page to record sales at a booth and accept payments via cash, check, credit card or debit card. |
Maintain Fundraiser Orders | Enter and review order orders sold by any member of the troop. |
Enter Payments For Fundraiser Sales | Enter monetary transactions for payments that were received for orders. |
Maintain Fundraiser Inventory | Enter inventory transactions to track quantities of each item that are on order or are on hand. |
Maintain Fundraiser Inventory Transaction Types | Customize the inventory transaction types. |
View Fundraiser Reports | View and print any of the fundraiser reports. |
Enter My Fundraiser Orders | Enter your own orders on-line, choose a sales goal, and see your Personal URL for selling on-line. This is enabled for all users by default. To disable this capability, remove it from the user roles. |
Maintain Fundraising Drives | Manage every aspect of fundraising drives. This is the task linked to the Fundraising user role. You can add it to other roles to give them full control of fundraising. |
For example, to authorize some of your leaders to use the Booth Sales page, select Assign Tasks To Roles from the Security Configuration submenu on the Site Configuration menu. Find the Enter Fundraiser Sales From Booth task, as shown below:
Click the Assign To Roles button to view a list of your user roles.
Click on the checkbox next to the user roles you wish to authorize to do booth sales. Then click Save & Exit to save your work.
Alternatively, you can create a new user role that is authorized for one or more of these tasks. To do this:
Global Settings
There are two settings that apply to all fundraising drives. These settings can be updated by selecting Fundraiser Global Settings from the Site Configuration menu.
Select the Transaction Type For Payments that you want the system to use when it creates payment transactions for fundraiser sales.
The Message To Scouts For Online Sales will be displayed on the My Fundraiser URL & Prize page. It will be prefilled with text that suggests ways in which they can promote their Personal Url to sell fundraiser items.
Feel free to edit this text to provide a message that you think will motivate your scouts and advise them on how to promote on-line sales responsibly.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Fundraising Drives
Fundraising Drives allow you to define a set of products or services that your troop will be selling for a period of time.
Select Fundraising Drives from the Fundraising menu to create or update a fundraising drive.
Click Add a New Item to create a new fundraising drive.
The Fundraising Drive Name is the name of this fundraising drive. For fundraising drives that occur every year, we recommend that you include the year as part of the name.
Begin Accepting Orders On is the date on which your members will be able to start entering orders using the My Fundraiser Orders page on the My Stuff menu. It is the first day on which members will be able to use the Booth Sales page to sell merchandise in a retail setting. It is also the date on which the public will be able to make purchases from this fundraising drive at the website.
Stop Accepting Orders On is the date on which members will no longer be able to enter orders or conduct Booth Sales, and the public will no longer be able to make purchases from the website.
Close Out All Activity By is the date when you plan to have all entries for this fundraising drive wrapped up. After this date it will be less convenient to update information about this fundraising drive. This can be several months after the Stop Accepting Orders On date.
The Internet Order Confirmation Email Address is an e-mail address to which you would like the system to send a message whenever the public places an order from the site for this fundraising drive.
Click the Track inventory? checkbox if you would like to have the system track the number of items ordered, received and distributed.
Click the Must have inventory on hand before orders allowed checkbox to prevent the system from accepting orders for any product which you do not have in stock.
For national organizations that provide fundraising opportunities, like Girl Scout cookies or Cub Scout popcorn, we will maintain merchandise photos and descriptions in our central database. Selecting this National Fundraising Drive will allow you to copy those merchandise descriptions into your fundraising drive.
Each of your members can be issued a Personal URL to our website which they can promote to their family and friends to purchase items from this fundraising drive. The customer can pay for their orders on-line with a credit card. Note that you must have PayPal or Square configured on your site to use this feature.
The Transaction Type for Credit Card Payments controls how these credit card payments will be posted to your system. This transaction type will also be used for Booth Sales when the customer pays using a credit card or debit card.
Click the Credit Card Fee Paid By Customer? checkbox if you would like the system to add the estimated credit card transaction fee to the total purchase amount for an order. This affects purchases at as well as Booth Sales when the customer pays using a credit card or debit card.
Click the Allow Public To Complete Order Without Credit Card Payment checkbox to give customers at the option of pushing a "Pay On Delivery" button to complete their order, as an alternative to paying immediately via credit card.
Booth Sales allow you to record sales in a retail setting on an Internet connected smartphone or tablet. It allows you to track how much money you've received in cash and checks. At the end of a shift, you can have it record the amount of the cash and checks you plan to deposit in your troop account from that shift's sales.
The Transaction Type For Booth Sales Deposits sets the transaction type that will be used for these deposits.
The Troop Account for Booth Deposits should be the checking account to which you intend to deposit all cash and checks from booth sales.
Click Save & Exit to save your work, or click on the Items For Sale tab at the top of the page to save this page and load the merchandise items for this fundraising drive.
Merchandise Items
Merchandise Items are the products and services you plan to sell in your fundraising drive.
You can maintain the merchandise items for a fundraising drive by clicking on the Items For Sale tab on the fundraising drive page, or you can select Merchandise Items from the Fundraising menu.
If you selected a National Fundraising Drive on the Campaign Details tab, the name of that drive will be displayed at the top of this page as a link to a page where you can view the merchandise descriptions for that national fundraising drive.
If you want to copy those merchandise descriptions into this fundraising drive, just click Add Merchandise From National Drive. In a few seconds, all of the product descriptions and photos will be copied from the national fundraising drive.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you copy the national fundraising drive items into your fundraising drive, be sure to review the retail price and wholesale cost of each item very carefully, since your local prices may not be the same.
You can update an existing item by clicking the Update button next to that item, or delete it using the Delete button,
Click Add a New Item to add a new merchandise item.
The Item Name is the name that will appear on order forms for this product or service.
The Description will be available on a product detail page which can be accessed from the order forms.
You can upload a Photo of this item. A small copy of this image will be displayed on some of the order forms.
The Display Sequence Number determines where this item will appear on the order form relative to other items. Smaller numbers appear at the top of the list; larger numbers appear at the bottom.
Donation Only indicates an item for which no product or service must be provided.
The Price Per Unit is what you will charge your customers for one of these items.
The Wholesale Cost Per Unit is what your group paid for one of these items. The Profit By Member report will calculate the profit per item as the difference between the Price Per Unit and the Wholesale Cost Per Unit.
Click Save & Add Another to save this item and begin entering the next one, or Save & Exit to save this item and return to the merchandise item list.
You may wish to offer incentive prizes to motivate your members to sell.
To maintain the prizes for a fundraising drive, click on the Prizes tab on the fundraising drive page, or select Prizes from the Fundraising menu.
Click Add a New Item to add a prize to the list.
The Prize Name will appear in the drop down list when your members choose their prize.
The Description provides the details about this prize, which will be displayed on a list of available prizes.
You can upload a Photo of this item, which will be displayed on a list of available prizes.
The Minimum Sales Required To Earn This Prize will set the sales goal for a member who chooses this prize.
Click Save & Add Another to save this prize and begin entering the next one, or Save & Exit to save this prize and return to the merchandise item list.
Member Sales
The Member Sales tab of the fundraising drive page will show you each member's total orders and sales goal.
Click Update to set the sales prize for a member.
My Fundraiser Orders
Members can enter their own fundraising sales orders into the system by selecting My Fundraiser Orders from the My Stuff menu.
The opening page displays a list of your orders to date. Click Add a New Item to begin a new order.
The first page of the order form lets you identify the person who placed the order.
Most of the fields are optional. If this is someone you know, you can just enter their name.
Then click Continue to enter what they ordered.
Click the plus ("+") sign to add to the quantity of an item that was ordered. Click the minus ("-") sign to reduce the quantity ordered.
Or just type the number ordered into the field.
Click Save & Exit to save this order.
My Fundraiser URL & Prize
If your fundraising drive is configured for this feature, your members can promote on-line fundraiser sales by publicizing their Personal URL to friends and family.
The Personal URL is a link to the website with a numeric code that identifies this member and this fundraiser.
When people place an order from the site, this member gets credit for the sale.
You can view your personal URL by selecting My Fundraiser URL & Prize from the My Stuff menu.
This page displays all current fundraising drives. It displays the prize you've selected for this fundraiser and your goal. It shows your total sales and your Personal URL.
Click the Update button to set your sales prize and goal.
Click View Prizes to see a page that lists all of the incentive prizes for this fundraiser. Then select your prize from the drop-down list.
Click on your Personal URL to see what your customers will see when you send them to the site to buy from you.
Copy your Personal URL and paste it into e-mails, web pages, posters, etc., to promote your sales.
Click Save & Exit to save your prize selection.
Booth Sales
You may have the opportunity to sell items directly to your customers, in which you accept payment and give out the merchandise all at the same time.
Girl Scouts do this when they sell cookies at the entrance of a grocery store.
We call this a "Sales Booth Operation". Our Booth Sales function will help you track these sales and payments.
Booth sales have these characteristics:
The Booth Sales function is designed to be used on an Internet connected mobile device, like a tablet or smartphone. All of the screen images below are from an iPad.
Before you can use the Booth Sales function, you must configure your fundraising drive to specify a Transaction Type for Booth Sales Deposits.
Select Booth Sales from the Fundraising menu. This will open up a new tab in your browser in which you will enter your sales.
A "Sales Booth Operation" refers to a location where you will be selling merchandise over a period of time for a particular fundraising drive.
You can create a new sales booth operation by filling in the form shown above.
The Sales Booth Name should identify this operation and make it distinct from other sales booth operations you have underway.
The Starting Cash Amount is the seed money that you put in your cash drawer when you began. The system assumes you will
leave this much money in the cash drawer when you make your bank deposits at the end of each shift.
If you select a sales campaign that is set up to accept credit card payments, you will be prompted for the type of credit card app you have installed on your device. The Booth Sales function can work with either of these apps:
Both of these apps are free, and their company will send you a free card scanner on request. They also offer devices that can read chips for a nominal fee.
Before you can accept credit card payments, you must:
Click the Continue button to begin selling!
The New Sale page displays all of the items for this fundraising drive on the right side of the screen. On smartphones this list will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on an item to add it to this sale. Tap on it again to increase the quantity.
You can also adjust the quantity of an item by tapping on the + and - buttons.
When you are ready to process payment, tap on one of the buttons below the order.
Tap the Cash button to accept payment in cash.
Right below the "Cash Payment" heading you will see several dollar amounts in grey. The first will be the exact amount of the order, followed by the next higher values in single dollars, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds.
Tap on one of those values to accept that value as the Cash Received, or tap on the Cash Received field to enter this amount manually. Tap the "clear" link to clear out this field.
Tap the Donate Change? checkbox if the customer is donating the change. If the customer is donating a portion of the change, you can enter that value in the Donation field, and it will recalculate the Change amount.
Tap the Submit Payment button to complete this sale and start a new one.
Tap the Check button to accept payment by check.
The Check Amount will default to the amount of the order, but if the customer writes the check for a larger amount (to include a donation) you can enter that value in this field.
You are not required to enter the Name on Check or Check Number, although this information may come in handy when you prepare your deposit slip later.
Tap the Submit Payment button to complete this sale and start a new one.
Tap the Card button to accept payment by credit card or debit card. This button is only available if you set up this sales booth operation for PayPal Here or Square POS.
The Card button will open up the selected payment app on your device. The following example shows PayPal Here, but Square POS operates in much the same way.
If you do not have your card reader plugged into the device, you will be prompted to do that now.
You may then scan the credit card as payment for this sale. Note that if this sales campaign is set up to require the customer to pay the credit card fee, the estimated fee will be added to the amount of the sale.
PayPal Here will then prompt you for the customer's signature. The customer can use his finger to write his signature on the screen, then tap the Done button.
PayPal Here will give you the option of sending an electronic receipt to the customer. After that it will display the completion page shown below.
Tap the New Sale button to return to the Booth Sales page.
Tap the Begin New Sale button to be ready for your next customer.
Before you begin entering the next sale, notice the links in the upper left corner of the page (they will disappear once you begin the order.)
The Today's Sales link will display a summary of today's sales, as shown below.
The Bank Deposits link will take you to a page that helps you prepare your deposit slip at the end of your shift.
The Activity Summary section shows you a summary of payments accepted from the beginning of this sales booth operation.
The Checks To Deposit section lists all of the checks received since your last deposit.
The Prior Deposits section lists all previous deposits for this sales booth operation.
The New Deposit section allows you to submit a new deposit. This will create monetary transactions in the OurGroupOnline accounting system for these deposits.
The Cash amount will default to the amount of cash currently on hand, less the starting amount. You may enter in a different value if you prefer.
The Checks amount is set to the amount of checks currently on hand. You cannot change this value.
Tap the Submit Deposit button to record this deposit and create one transaction for the cash deposit and another transaction for the check deposit.
Merchandise Booths
The Merchandise Booths page on the Fundraising menu lets you see all of the sales booth operations that were created with the Booth Sales page.
This is where you can close out a booth by entering an end date.
Click the Update button to view the details on a merchandise booth.
You can make corrrections to the Booth Name and Start date and time.
More importantly, you can close out this booth by entering an End date and time. After this date and time users will no longer be able to select this booth when they start up the Booth Sales page.
PayPal Here? indicates whether you have PayPal Here installed on the device being used to record sales at this booth. PayPal Here is a free app available on most mobile devices. At your request, PayPal will send you a free credit card reader that will plug into the headphone outlet on your device.
Square? indicates whether you have the Square POS app installed on the device being used at this booth. Square POS is a free app available on most mobile devices. Square will also send you a free credit card reader on request.
You cannot select both PayPal and Square for the same booth. If you need to change the payment vendor you should create a new booth.
The Starting Cash Amount is the cash that you had in your cash drawer as seed money when you started this booth. You can make corrections to that amount here.
Click Save & Exit to save your changes.
Select Orders from the Fundraising menu to view orders for all active fundraising drives.
This is where you can enter orders that were submitted by members of your group who were not able to enter the orders themselves on-line.
You can also review existing orders and make corrections as needed.
Click Add a New Item to begin entering a new order.
Select the Fundraising Drive that this order is for. If you only have one active fundraiser it will be automatically selected.
The Date Ordered will default to the current date.
Select the person who sold this order from the Sold By drop down list.
Enter the contact information for this customer so you'll know where to deliver the product.
Special Instructions may include delivery details.
Click Continue to select the items that were on this order.
Click the plus ("+") sign to add to the quantity of an item that was ordered. Click the minus ("-") sign to reduce the quantity ordered.
Or just type the number ordered into the field.
If the products have already been delivered, click the Mark All Items Delivered button to set the delivered quantities to the ordered quantity values.
Click Save & Exit to save this order.
Payments For Multiple Orders
Payments for fundraiser sales are entered as monetary transactions that increase the balance of a troop account. The transaction type is set to the transaction type that was configured in the Fundraiser Global Settings page.
In most cases, it will be easiest to use the Post Payment To Multiple Orders page on the Fundraising menu to enter these payments.
This page lists all of the members of your group who have sold at least one order for a current fundraising campaign.
To process a payment from one of these members click the View Payments button by their name. This will display a page that looks like this.
The upper grid on this page lists all of the fundraiser payments that have already been processed for this member.
The lower grid shows all of this person's orders for which payment has not yet been posted.
Click Add a New Item to begin entering a payment transaction.
This page displays a list of the orders sold by this person for which payment has not yet been recorded.
Select the orders covered by this payment by clicking on the checkbox next to each of those orders.
Notice that the payment amount will be recalculated each time you select or de-select an order.
When you have selected the appropriate orders, verify that the payment amount matches the actual payment submitted. If not, you may need to review this order and make any necessary corrections before completing this payment.
Click Save & Add Another to continue to the next payment for this member, or click Save & Exit to return to the previous page.
Payments For Individual Orders
In most cases you will use Post Payments To Multiple Orders to record payments for fundraiser sales. That page allows you to enter one payment transaction that covers one or more orders that were sold by a particular member.
However, there may be times when you don't know who made the sale and the payment only covers one order. In that situation, you can use the Post Payments To Individual Orders page that you will find on the Fundraising menu.
This page lists all of the completed orders for the current sales campaign, with the exception of booth sales that were paid via cash or check.
The column furthest to the right shows the amount of the payment that has already been posted for that order. A zero amount indicates that you have not yet posted a payment for that order.
Click the Payment button to create or update the payment for that order, which will take you to a page that looks like this.
The Transaction Type is set to the transaction type that was configured in the Fundraiser Global Settings page.
The Transaction Date will be set to today.
The Deposit Date is the day on which you expect to deposit this payment in your bank account.
Reference could be the check number or "Cash" for cash payments.
Amount is the amount of this payment.
Select the bank account to which you plan to deposit this payment in the drop down list for Credit Group Account.
Click Save & Exit to save this transaction.
Set Quantity Delivered
Unless you are delivering all of your merchandise at once, you may want to keep track of which orders have been delivered and which have not.
Booth sales are automatically marked as delivered, but for all other orders you need to set the delivered quantity on each item that was ordered.
To do this, select Set Quantity Delivered from the Fundraising menu.
This page lists all of the order items that have not yet been completely delivered. This may include some items that have been partially delivered, e.g. where 2 units were ordered but only 1 unit has been delivered so far.
You can enter the quantity delivered in the column on the right side of this grid and then click Save to save these quantities. Any items that were completely delivered will disappear from this list.
You can use the Query button to filter the list to only include orders sold by one member, or orders sold within a given date range, etc. Then you can use the Mark These Items Delivered button to set the delivered quantity to the order quantity on every row. You still need to click the Save button to save these changes.
Inventory Adjustments
You can track your fundraiser merchandise inventory by entering inventory adjustments.
Select Inventory Adjustments from the Fundraising menu to see a page like the one below.
This page lists all of the inventory adjustments that have been entered for any fundraising drives that are currently active.
It shows the most recent inventory trasnactions at the top of the list.
The effect of an inventory adjustment is determined by the inventory transaction type. These are the inventory transaction types that came predefined with your system:
Items which have been delivered automatically reduce your quantity on hand. Note that all booth sales are automatically marked as delivered.
The system will compute the following totals for each item based on these adjustments:
This information can be viewed on the Inventory Summary report.
Click Add a New Item to begin entering an inventory adjustment.
Select the type of item from the Item drop down list.
Enter the Date on which this inventory change was effective.
Select the Transaction Type from the drop down list, as described above.
Enter the Quantity of units that were affected by this change.
Press Save & Add Another to save this adjustment and begin another, or Save & Exit to save and return to the previous page.
Inventory Transaction Types
The effect of an Inventory Adjustment is determined by the Inventory Transaction Type.
Your system was pre-configured with a set of Inventory Transaction Types that will allow you to track the quantity on order from your supplier, the quantity on hand, and the quantity issued to members.
The most likely reason you might want to change these transaction types would be if you do not want to track the quantity on order from your supplier.
To do this, select Fundraising Inventory Transaction Types from your Site Configuration menu.
This page shows all of your fundraising inventory transaction types.
If you do not wish to track the quantity on order from your supplier, use the Delete button to delete the Order Inventory From Supplier transaction type.
You will also need to update the Receive Inventory From Supplier transaction type so that it no longer affects the quantity on order. To do this, click the Update button on the Receive Inventory From Supplier entry.
On the drop down list
for Effect On Quantity On Order select the empty value at the top of the list to indicate that the system should neither add or subtract from this quantity.
By doing this, you will prevent the quantity on order from going negative when you receive inventory.
Click Save & Exit to save this change.
Top Sellers
As the orders start to flow in, you can motivate your group by recognizing your top sellers.
Select Top Sellers from the Fundraising Reports submenu on the Fundraising menu to select one of the Top Sellers reports.
Select the Fundraising Drive for which you want to report from the drop down box.
Then click the button for the report you want.
Top Sellers By Member will list everyone in your group who has completed at least one order, with the top salesperson at the top of the list.
For Cub Scout packs and Girl Scout troops, the Top Sellers By Age Level report shows the same information organized by age level, with the top seller at each age level at the top of that section of the list.
Profit By Member shows the profit earned by each member, based on the Wholesale Unit Cost entered for each item.
The Wholesale Cost column shows the total wholesale cost of all items sold by each member.
Total Orders is the price charged to the customer for all items sold by each member.
Profit on Amount Ordered is the difference between these first two columns.
Total Payments is the total amount of payments received to date for each member's orders.
Profit on Amount Paid is the difference between the Total Payments column and the Wholesale Cost column. This can be negative if no payments have been processed yet for a member's orders.
Consolidated Orders
Once your orders have all been entered, the Consolidated Orders reports will help you order the products from your supplier and distribute them to your members.
Select Consolidated Orders from the Fundraising Reports submenu on the Fundraising menu to see the page shown below.
Select the Fundraising Drive for which you want to report from the drop down box.
Click Only Include Orders That Have Not Been Delivered to omit orders that have already been delivered from the report.
Then click the button for the report you want.
Consolidated Orders By Item is intended to help you place orders with your supplier. It shows the total number of units ordered for each item in this fundraising drive.
Consolidated Orders By member will help you distribute product to your members for delivery. For each member, it shows the total number of units ordered for each item
For Cub Scout packs and Girl Scout troops, the Consolidated Orders By Patrol report is an alternative version of the previous report, organized by age level. Each age level will print on a separate page.
Order Item Detail
As you distribute the merchandise, it may be helpful to give each member a list of their orders.
Select Order Item Detail from the Sales Reports submenu on the Sales menu to access these reports.
Select the Fundraising Drive for which you want to report from the drop down box.
Click Only Include Orders That Have Not Been Delivered to omit orders that have already been delivered from the report.
Then click the button for the report you want.
Order Items By Member will print one page for each member of your group, listing each order with all of the items sold.
Order Items By Age Level will also print one page for each member, but will be sorted by age level so you can easily distribute it by age group.
Delivery Report By Customer will print a separate page for each order, with the buyer's name, address, phone number, special instructions, and all items.
Delivery Summary By Sales Person will print all of the orders sold by each member, with the buyer's name, address, phone number, special instructions, and all items. Regardless of whether you checked the Only Include Orders That Have Not Been Delivered box, it only includes those orders that have not yet been delivered
Merchandise Inventory
You can enter inventory adjustments when you order product from your supplier, receive product, and distribute it to your troop.
The results of these adjustments can be viewed in two Merchandise Inventory reports, which can be selected from the Sales Reports submenu on the Sales menu.
Select the Fundraising Drive from the drop down box.
Then click the button for the report you want.
Inventory Summary will show each item in the current fundraising drive, with the following statistics for that item:
Inventory Adjustments shows you the inventory transactions that affected the summary totals.
If you are issuing merchandise inventory to your members, Inventory Issued To Members will help you keep track of where everything's at.
Issued is the quantity of each item that has been issued to that member, less any that have been returned.
Sold is the quantity sold by that member, which may include units that were not issued.
Not Sold is the quantity issued to a member that have not yet been sold.
Delivered is the quantity sold by this member that has been marked delivered
On Hand is the quantity issued less the quantity delivered.
Export Orders To Excel
The system allows you to export your orders to Excel for analysis.
Select Export Orders To Excel from the Fundraising menu to see a page like the one shown below.
Select the Fundraising Drive from the drop down list, then press one of the buttons to extract your orders.
Export Order Summary will give you all of the information about each order, including the customer contact information and total amount sold. It does not include the specific items that were purchased.
Export Order Detail will create a spreadsheet with one row for each item ordered by each customer, including the number of units ordered and the extended price.
Fundraising FAQ
We don't give out prizes for reaching sales goals. Is that a problem?
No, that's perfectly OK. Prizes are optional. You do not have to create a list of prizes for a fundraising drive.
One of our members had her customers pay her directly for their orders and then wrote us a check for the entire amount of all of her orders. How should we handle that?
Quite easily! Use the Post Payments To Multiple Orders page to create one payment that is linked to all of her orders.
When I created a fundraising drive I didn't see the fields to set up my transaction type for PayPal payments. What's up with that?
That's because you haven't configured your system to interface with PayPal. Click here to learn how to do this.
Once you've configured PayPal, you can return to this fundraiser and set the PayPal transaction type.
A customer ordered one type of cookie but changed their mind. How do I change the order?
Please go to Fundraising ? Orders as shown here. Update the order, then go to the "Items Ordered" tab where you can change the quantities for each item. Reduce the quantity for the item being returned and increase the quantity for the new item.
This will affect your inventory on hand quantity for both items. It will not affect the amount paid for the order.
I'm using the Booth Sales program. When I complete a credit card payment with PayPal Here it doesn't return me to the New Sales page like it shows in the User Guide. What am I doing wrong?
Please disable the pop-up blocker in your browser. If that doesn't fix the problem, please contact Customer Support.
When I accept a credit card payment using PayPal Here, it doesn't post to my monetary transactions How can I fix this?
Please check the Settings in PayPal Here and disable Tips. In some versions of PayPal Here the Tips setting will prevent the system from posting the payment correctly to OurGroupOnline.